1947 - Hristo Spasov Tsanoff was born on 7th of January 1947 (Christmas day) in the city of Sofia, in the family of a alumnus of Vienna and Stuttgart Universities - Spas Tsanoff Naidenoff and a teacher named Vasilka Milanova Tsoneva (she was a grand daughter of the chieftain Nikola Belobradov to whome the people dedicated one of the most beautiful Macedonian songs, and a daughter of the rebel Milan Tsoneff);
1953 - begins his elementary education in Sofia;
1954-1961 - pupil of professor Pancho Vladigeroff. During that exact period, Maestro Tsanoff writes his first opera "The Two Gentlemen of Verona", on the unique drama of William Shakespeare;
1953-1963 - studies the violin to Katia Dekova - the sixth concert etude in G-dur from the cycle "Play of the thought" is dedicated to her;
1958-1965 - private student in the piano;
1964-1989 - a life in the SHADOW - in the art;
1968 - successfully accepted in the Medical Academy in Sofia;
1977-1998 - works as a Military Doctor and long years after that as a Brigade Doctor (lieutenant - colonel) in the city of Sliven, where he wrote some of his most famous and acknowledged works:Violin concert No.1 and Symphony No.1 ( organ );
1987-1998 - studies and develops his own method for conservative treatment of morbus Buogeri (thrombargiitis S.endangiitis obeituranus);
Since 1998 Hristo Tsanoff is dedicatedly involved with composition, requeted music and his own projects as well.